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Software development

With more than 10 years experience in the area of outsourcing we offer to our customers a development of enterprise solutions using:

o Java Enterprise and Web technologies
o Database servers (MS-SQL, mySQL)
o C++ Application Development
o Microsoft® Web Application technology (ASP, ASP.NET, VB script)
o Open Source Web Application technology (PHP)

Our services include analysis, application design, development and maintenance!

Data preparation

Since 2000 we are the main BibleWorkshop module provider. Our work with the Bible texts and christian books covers:

o Books/documents scanning
o Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
o Conversion between the most widespread data/text formats
o HTML coding
o XML coding

Web-site creation and maintenance

We offer to our customers installation, development and maintenance for the most popular CMS:

o Joomla!
o Drupal
o DotNetNuke
o WebsiteBaker


    Latest Releases & News

January, 2011


Module for BWS 4.X/5.X in German language.

This Bible course is based on the teaching materials used at Bible school Burgstädt and is part of a multi-part series. The module CD contains BWS 5.1.1 Special.

December, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.1

Some smaller bugs are fixed.

September, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.0

Finally the long-awaited update is released!
This version provides a new feature: Color and Text annotations. The bug in wikipedia plug-in is fixed.

January, 2010

XML books

The team released 59 volumes (over 18 000 pages!) of Bibles and christian books after scanning, OCR and XML coding of the text.

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